Health Promotion, Disease Control and Nutrition salary in Ghana


 How much salary do Disease Control, Health Promotion and Nutrition workers get paid in a month in Ghana? Continue reading to find out. Disease Control, Health Promotion and Nutrition are some of the most lucrative professions in the health sector today.

Health Promotion, Disease Control and Nutrition salary in Ghana


Disease Control, Health Promotion and Nutrition workers typically make between ghc2,000 - Ghc4,000 per month in Ghana. However, Public Health Nurses (Disease Control, Health Promotion, Nutrition) salaries differ from each other in Ghana. They are not paid equally. Payment of salary depends on many factors such as qualification, school graduated and years of experience.

For instance, a diploma Health Promotion officer is likely to receive lower than a degree Health Promotion officer. Also, a person working for 20 years will have a higher salary than the one who just started.

Health Promotion, Disease Control and Nutrition salary in Ghana 

Below is a list of Health Promotion, Disease Control and Nutrition salary in Ghana.

Certificate Disease Control officers salary

Certificate Disease Contr

Field Technicians salary = ghc1,200 - ghc1,500

Diploma Disease Control officers salary

Diploma Disease Control officers earn a little bit higher than certificate holders in Ghana. Diploma Disease Control officers make between ghc2,000 - ghc3,000 per month in Ghana. A senior Diploma Disease Control officer is likely to make between ghc3,000 - ghc5,000 per month.

Diploma Disease Control officers salary = ghc2,000 - ghc3,000 per month.

Degree Disease Control officer salary

A Disease Control officer who holds a degree makes between ghc2,500 - ghc3,500 per month in Ghana. A senior degree Disease Control officer may take home ghc3,000 - ghc5,000 as salary per month in Ghana.

Bsc. Disease Control salary = ghc2,500 - ghc5,000 per month.

Diploma Health Promotion officer salary

Health Promotion officers salary is almost the same as Disease Control officers. A Diploma Health Promotion officer makes between ghc2,000 - ghc3,000 per month as salary in Ghana.  A senior Diploma Health Promotion officer is likely to receive more than that.

Health Promotion officer salary in Ghana = ghc2,000 - ghc3,000 per month.

Degree Health Promotion salary

A person with a degree in Health Promotion makes between ghc2,000 - Ghc4,000 per month in Ghana. A senior Health Promotion officer is likely to receive more.

Diploma Nutrition officer salary

Just like Health Promotion, Nutrition does not currently have a certificate program. A person with a diploma in Nutrition receives ghc2,000 - ghc3,000 per month as salary in Ghana.

Degree Nutrition officer salary

In Ghana, a person with Bachelor of Science in Nutrition earns between ghc2,500 = ghc3,500 per month. Senior Nutrition officer is likely to receive more.

Disease Control, Nutrition and Health Promotion schools in Ghana.

  • College of Health and well-being, Kintampo
  • Yamfo College of Health, Yamfo
  • University for Development Studies school of Health Sciences, Tamale
  • University of Allied Sciences, Ho
  • University of Ghana, Accra
  • Korle-Bu Nurses'Training College, Korle-Bu.

A person working as a Disease Control, Nutrition or Health Promotion officer might still need a side job. It is advisable not to rely on Government payroll alone. I have compiled a list of most profitable business ideas in Ghana here:


If you are thinking of pursuing a career in either Disease Control, Health Promotion or Nutrition, then you are on the right track. Just like clinical Nursing, Public Health Nursing is a lucrative profession. Aside being lucrative, the probability of you getting a job after your national service is high especially those who completed Training Colleges such as Kintampo College of Health.

The cost of training a Disease Control officer, or Nutrition officer or Health Promotion officer is actually high. So before getting into any health institution, make sure you have done significant research about the cost of training.

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