55 Best Roasts For Tall People/Friends


                                 55 Roasts For Tall People

Looking for the best roasts for your tall friends? If yes, then there's the need for you to know more about roasts for tall people. In this article, we will take a look at some of the newest roasts for tall people in this article. 

Making jokes about tall people is a bit difficult as compared to short people. Short people have been the butt of jokes all over the internet. That doesn't mean tall people are exempted. Anybody who is skilled at making jokes, can make fun of anyone, including tall people.

Roasts For Tall People

Below are the latest jokes about tall people

1. Yo mama so tall she tripped on a rock and hit the moon

2. Yo mama so tall she only had to take one step back to get to the other side of the world

3. You are so tall that you can touch a flying plane

4. You're so tall that your nightmare are ceiling fans

5. You're so tall that you look like Burj Khalifa

6. Why don't you pick up someone your own size, like the Eiffel Tower

7. You're so tall that no matter where you go, you can still see your house<

8. You are so tall you couldn't find a girlfriend

9. You're so tall yo mama has to climb Burj Khalifa to hug you

10. You're so tall you squat to take passport picture 

11. You are one of the giraffes of the human race that went extinct since the beginning of time

12. Yo mama so tall she fell off a rock and hit the moon

13. You're so tall that you duck when you see a helicopter coming

14. You are so tall that you can only find a boyfriend at the top rung of a ladder

15. You're so tall that if you do push-ups, the sun will burn your back

16. You're so tall that if you break your leg, you will use ladder as crutches

17. You're so tall that you can pick lightning

18. You're so tall that you have problems walking

19. You're so tall that it hurts your back while ducking under the door

20. How's the weather up there?

21. You're so tall that I need to grab a ladder, climb up it and speak to your face

22. You're so tall that you don't need a ladder to climb

23. You are so tall that you are a basketball hoop

24. You're so tall that your forehead hits the moon

25. You're so tall that you use the streetlights poles as your hanger

26. Why don't you paint your toe nails? Because there are too far away.

27. You are so tall that you couldn't get into the graveyard

28. You're so tall that you created the Mariana Trench

29. You're so tall that sums do not go above your head

30. What's the difference between a tall person and a broom? A broom is useful

31. Tall people look like slinkies when they run

32. What do tall people and a lamp post have in common? Intelligence

33. What's the difference between a clown and a tall person? Their shoe sizes

40. You are so tall that you need a sunroof in your car?

41. You're so tall that when you tie your shoes, you accidentally tie the shoelaces together

42. You use the escalator as a walking staircase

43. What do you call a tall, attractive person? An evolutionary miracle

44. What does a tall person and a burnt out lightbulb have in common? They're not that bright

45. You're so tall that shorts were invented so you wouldn't look like you are always wearing capris

46. You're so tall that you became dumb because you always bump your head on things.

47. Yo mama so tall she uses the empire state building as a toothpick

48. You're so tall that you know exactly when Santa leaves the North Pole

49. You're so tall that you have to rip the front seat out of your car  so you could sit in the back seat and drive it

50. You're so tall that when you play basketball you need to crouch down to put the ball in the hoop

51. You so tall you couldn't be anonymous

52. You're so tall that when you go to swim in the middle of the ocean, you only end up wading

53. What's the best way to piss off a tall person?

54. Pick them up in a mini Cooper

55. You're so tall that when you tried to hang yourself you couldn't find anything tall to tie the rope to.

Share this to your tall friends to make them laugh too. If you have any other roasts for tall people you wish to share with us, leave it in the comments section.

DISCLAIMER: The content published above is intended as humor only. We accept no liability for any distress or whatever caused by misuse of this content.

Read also : 50 Roasts for Short People

                      Short People Memes

                       How to Roast Skinny People

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  1. Wowzers! What a great source!!!! Thank you so much!!! I'm sure gonna get back at tall people with this!!!!!

  2. Bad roasts 1/10 you'd look like a clown saying these

  3. this is like a complement to a tall person but still 7/10

  4. I L-O-V-E this roast I can shut my friends mouth. ( Im a short girl in 4th grade and I'm 9 )

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