How to Transfer Money from PayPal to Gcash Without Linking



How to Transfer Money from PayPal to Gcash Without Linking

How do I send cash from my PayPal to Gcash account without linking the two accounts? Since you are here, it is obvious you are looking for ways to send or make transaction between the two accounts without linking. In this article, we will teach you how to transfer money from PayPal to Gcash without linking them.

The truth is that you cannot directly withdraw money from your PayPal to Gcash without linking the two accounts. However, most people are are eager to look for ways to send and receive cash between the two platforms without necessarily linking them.

Since transferring money from PayPal to Gcash requires linking, we will look at the alternative way. In this case, we are going to use a third-party app or platform. There are financial institutions or apps that allow the transfer of funds between Gcash and PayPal.

How to Send Money from PayPal to Gcash Without Linking

As I indicated earlier, sending money from PayPal to Gcash requires linking. Therefore, we will use a third-party platform which will be either a mobile banking app or credit card.

1. Bank Account or Mobile Banking App

You can transfer money from your PayPal to Gcash account by using your bank account or mobile banking app as a third-party. With this method, you will need to link your bank account to both platforms. You will need to link your mobile banking app to both Gcash account and PayPal.

Once you have linked them, you will need to first of all transfer the money from your PayPal to your bank account. After receiving the money on your bank, you can then send it to your PayPal account.

To send or withdraw money from your PayPal to Gcash, follow the instructions provided below:

  • Log into your PayPal account online
  • On your homepage, tap on the "Link or add bank account" tab
  • Enter your bank account or credit card details
  • Tap on the "Withdraw Money" tab
  • Proceed to withdraw to your bank or credit card

2. Debit or Credit Card

Another way to indirectly withdraw from your PayPal to Gcash without linking is through your credit card. Here, you will need to first of all withdraw the funds to your credit card. Once you withdraw to your credit card, you can now transfer it to your Gcash account.

There are other third-party platforms that allow people to transfer money from Paypal to their Gcash account without linking. These apps or platforms normally act as intermediaries and may charge fees for their service. However, users are encouraged to read the terms and conditions of each platform before using.


Here are some popular questions about withdrawing from PayPal to Gcash without linking:

Can I send money from my PayPal to Gcash without linking?

It is not possible to directly withdraw from your PayPal to Gcash without linking the two accounts. The only way to achieve this objective is to use a third-party app such as your bank account.

How do I transfer money from Paypal to Gcash?

To send money from PayPal to Gcash, you need to sign into your Gcash account and click on the "Cash in" tab. Scroll down to global partners and remittance and click on PayPal. Enter the amount you wish to withdraw and proceed to transfer.


Transferring money from PayPal to Gcash without linking requires a third-party platform. We hope after going through this article, you have understood everything about transferring money between the two accounts.

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