40+ Roasts For Skinny People

40+ Roasts For Skinny People

Do you have skinny friends or families you want to roast? You have come to the right place. In this article, we have compiled a list of roasts for skinny people.

These roasts are so funny that even skinny people never cease to crack their ribs with laughter. Enjoy these funny roasts for skinny people.

1. You're so skinny, I bet you can dodge rain drops.

2. I've seen more meat on a chicken than you.

3. You're so skinny that if I were to put you on a flagpole, you would wave in the wind.

4.0You're so skinny, your Mom actually enjoyed giving birth to you

5. You're so skinny, you use a band-aid as a maxi-pad.

6. You're so skinny, when you wore yellow the other day, people thought you were a pencil.

7. You're so skinny that you use chapstick as a deodorant.

9. You're so skinny, you could be saved from drowning by being tossed a Cheerio.

8. You're so skinny, you look like a mic stand.

9. You're so skinny, you probably wipe your ass with a floss.

10. You're so skinny that if I were to put you on a flagpole, you would wave in the wind.

11. You're so skinny, you can hoola-hoop with fruit loops.

12. You're so skinny, you swalloed a meatball and thought you were pregnant.

13. You're so skinny, when you turn sideways, you disappeared.

14. You're so skinny, your nipples touch.

15. You're so skinny that you have to run around in the shower to get wet.

16. You're so skinny, you can see out the peep hole with both eyes.

17. I need a toothpick, can I use your arm.

18. You're so skinny, you look like a stick.

19. You're so skinny that starving kids are sending you food.

20. You're so skinny that you look like a zip when you stick your tongue out.

21. You're so skinny, you make starving Ethiopians look healthy!

22. You're so skinny, let me tell you... I have seen better legs in chickens.

23. You're so skinny, your pants have one belt loop.

24. You're so skinny, you use dental floss as toilet paper

25. You're so skinny, you have to wear skis in the shower.

26. You're so skinny, you have to stand in the same place twice to cast a shadow.

27. You're so skinny that when I put a dime on your head, people mistook you for a nail.

28. You're so skinny, you can grate cheese on your ribs.

29. You're so skinny, when I slapped you I got a paper cut.

30. You're so skinny, you could dive through a fence

31. You're so skinny, you can play the part of the staff in the story of Moses.

32. You're so skinny that when you stood sideway in class, the teacher marked you absent.

33. You're so skinny, you can hide behind a stick during a game of hide and seek.

34. You're so skinny, your bra fits better backwards.

35. You're so skinny, you can be printed out of a printer.

36. You're so skinny, you can hide behind a stop sign

37. You're so skinny, when you were pregnant nobody noticed.

38. You're so skinny, when you were about to to get hit by a train, the train missed.

39. You're so skinny, you can fall through the hole of a toilet.

40. She's so skinny, she can fall through the little lines of the patterns on the chair.

41. You're so skinny, how come you have not been blown away by the wind?

44. You're so skinny, when you stepped on the scale, nothing came up.

43. You're so skinny, you only have one stripe on your pyjamas.

44. You're so skinny, you can do push-ups under the door.

45. You're so skinny, when you want to get out of jail, you just go through the bars.

I hope you enjoyed these roasts? I f there is/are any roasts for skinny people you wish to submit to us, you can leave it in the comment section. Do not forget to share this funny roasts with your friends. Have a great day!

DISCLAIMER: The content published above is intended as humor only. We accept no liability for any distress or whatever caused by misuse of this content.

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